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Anche quest'anno in collaborazione con l'ufficio cultura del comune di Imola, ScienzaE organizza
"Le case della Scienza 2016"

Un festival scientifico ricco di mostre, incontri, visite guidate e laboratori scientifici nei luoghi dove scienza e tecnologia diventano ricerca, professione, lavoro e divertimento.

La manifestazione ha l’intento di far conoscere istituzioni ed eccellenze del nostro territorio, a tutti i cittadini, ma soprattutto ai giovani fornendo loro spunti di aggiornamento e curiosità intellettuali.  
Il tema conduttore del festival,che si svolgerà nella seconda di aprile 2016, è il suono dedicato ad Imola città della Musica: quindi il titolo "Universi sonori"

Il festival coinvolgerà diversi luoghi di Imola e del circondario ma avrà il cuore presso il museo civico del San Domenico dove verrà allestito un Science Center temporaneo in cui svolgere laboratori scientifici, accogliere mostre, exhibit, installazioni interattive e conferenze sul tema.

"Houses of Science 2015"

The "Houses of Science" is festival of science and technology organised for the benefit of citizen and schools of the area of Imola and neighboring districts. Under a main theme, every year several events (about 25) are organised from the 2nd of April to the 17th with the peak between the 7th to the 10th of April.
The aim of the festival is to create on opportunity for  citizen, school pupils and students of a small-mid size city to have conferences, seminars, lab, interactive science activity and a temporary science center and planetarium to discover more about science and enjoy it by touching it, actively experimenting, etc.
The 2016 edition is dedicated to Imola: the city of Music therefore to the SOUND. The title is: "The houses of science 2016: Sound universes". 

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The 2015 edition. "The houses of science 2016: flashes of lights" was dedicated to the theme of the Year of Light. 
In 2015
the greatest results for the local schools were:
- 22 classes enjoyed interactive lab science on light experiment (787 kids and teens) at our temporary science center "Photo Lab"
- 10 classes of teenagers enjoyed high level conferences and seminars;
+ 516 adults visiting at the temporary science center that ScienzaE created in the premises of the local historical museum "San Domenico"
the greatest challenges:
- organising this with a very low cash budget
- find the way to communicate the opportunity to citizen
the novelty:
- very successful and new was the inclusion in the programme of 4 French young digital and media artists that we met at the Roma MakerFair that performed their "Photosensitive Installation" in an area of the Science Center: a wonderful blend between art, science, technology & entrateinement